GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale

Session 1.1 GNGTS 2024 The reverse fault planes identfed within the two excavated trenches defne an about 20 m wide area of surfcial deformaton, developed at the hanging-wall of the main S-verging thrust plane and characterized by an ENE-WSW trending. If considering the lateral extension of this deformaton area, it clearly afects industrial complexes, urban centres and sensitve structures of Budoia and Aviano localites. Therefore, the paleoseismological evidence collected so far provide implicaton which are relevant for the seismic hazard estmaton of the area, and which must be necessarily considered in the framework of the regional planning. REFERENCES M.E. Poli, G. Monegato, A. Zanferrari, E. Falcucci, A. Marchesini, S. Grimaz, P. Malisan, E. Del Pin (2014). Seismotectonic characterizaton of the western Carnic pre-alpine area between Caneva and Meduno (Ne Italy, Friuli). DPC-INGV-S1 Project “Base-knowledge improvement for assessing the seismogenic potental of Italy” (D6/a2.1). E. Rizzo, V. Giampaolo, F. Mucchi, P. Boldrin, G. De Martno, M.E. Poli, G. Patricelli, A. Marchesini, R. Caputo (2024). Multscale geophysical investgaton on the Budoia-Aviano thrust system (NE Italy): frst results. GNGTS 2024. A. Rovida, M. Locat, R. Camassi, B. Lolli, P. Gasperini, A. Antonucci (2022). Catalogo Parametrico dei Terremot Italiani (CPTI15), versione 4.0. Isttuto Nazionale di Geofsica e Vulcanologia (INGV). htps:// Corresponding author: