GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale

Session 1.1 GNGTS 2024 Fig. 1 – Locatons of the investgated areas (white boxes) along the Kahramanmaraş-Pazarcık fault. Fault trace colors refer to diferent sources of data: yellow, AFAD; green, USGS; red, EMERGEO. Inset map (a) shows the regional framework afected by the 2023 seismic sequence (from Middle East Technical University, 2023). This frst mission, carried out within the clearinghouse system, has also allowed us to acquire useful informaton for planning further investgatons, especially in the frame of the presently consttutng European Earthquake Geology task force (EuQuaGe). Methodological approach The feld survey was aimed at collectng data on the coseismic surface geological efects, partcularly the primary efects (i.e. surface faultng), in order to contribute to the reconstructon of the near-fault slip distributon through the classical morphotectonic and structural geology approaches. Following the earthquakes, several internatonal research teams began mapping the surface faultng traces by integratng diferent methodologies (feld surveys, high-resoluton (<1.0 m/pixel) optcal image analysis (WorldView 1, 2, and 3; see Reitman et al., 2023) and remote sensing data processing). Three months afer the events, a general overview of fault ruptures was already available, so we preferred to focus on some aspects of partcular scientfc interest, such as the relatonship between coseismic deformaton and long-term morphotectonic processes. In this way we concentrated our efort on specifc situatons that, at the same tme, could ensure quickness in the feld operatons as well as signifcance of data collected. First, in the phase of preparaton for the mission, we analysed the patern of fault rupture available on the Internet by diferent scientfc insttutons (USGS, METU) through the Google Earth® satellite