GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale
Session 1.1 GNGTS 2024 Fig. 2 – Example of a high-resoluton digital surface model in the area of Bademli, districts of Nurdağı, and reconstructon of the structural patern. Single mole-tracks and the horizontal ofset component measured in the shifing of the tree rows are shown. The use of a drone represents a powerful tool to save tme and resources, provided that control points in the feld are calibrated. The experience of our frst mission in Turkey, carried out when natonal governmental and academic insttutons were overwhelmed by the emergency of a devastatng earthquake sequence, demonstrated that a relatvely small team of experts may also provide external support to acquire detailed feld observatons and contribute to limitng the loss of data, typically short-lived features. Moreover, the integraton of a ground-based traditonal survey approach with drone surveys or LIDAR models, if well calibrated by control points in the feld, proved to be a very powerful tool to optmise tme and resources during a post-earthquake interventon. Finally, the goal of this frst cooperaton, promoted by the Italian Civil Protecton Department (DPC), was essental in defning a standardized methodology and shared tools for the next mission, held in October 2023 under the umbrella of the internatonal EuQuaGe initatve.
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