GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale

Session 1.1 GNGTS 2024 TABLE 2. Magnitude values at each staton calculated by using the frst approach with equaton for the magnitude ‘MLRI35’ and the second approach with equaton for ‘ML_Donegal’, their standard deviatons and the corresponding number of statons used to reach the fnal averaged ML value. CONCLUSIONS Our results indicate that the majority of the micro-seismicity is present with magnitudes lower than 2 (the highest magnitude is 2.8). The recorded seismicity is almost clustered along previously mapped NE-SW trending, steeply dipping faults and confned within the upper crust (focal depth less than 10 km). We also recorded anthropogenic seismicity mostly related to quarries' actvity in the study area. REFERENCES Grannell, J., Arroucau, P., Lebedev, S., Moellhof, M., & Bean, C. J. (2018). A Local Magnitude Scale for Ireland and its Ofshore Regions, Poster Presentaton, ESC General Assembly Goldstein, P., and J. A. Snoke. 2005. “SAC Availability for the IRIS Community.” DMS Electronic Newsleter 7 (1): 63. . Goodman, R., Jones, G. L., Kelly, J., Slowey, E., & O'Neill, N. (2004). Geothermal energy exploitaton in Ireland. Lomax, A., Virieux, J., Volant, P., & Berge-Thierry, C. (2000). Probabilistc earthquake locaton in 3D and layered models (pp. 101–134). Springer Netherlands Malinverno, A., & Briggs, V. A. (2004). Expanded uncertainty quantfcaton in inverse problems: Hierarchical bayes and empirical bayes. Geophysics, 69, 1005–1016. Richter, C. F. (1935). An instrumental earthquake magnitude scale*. Bulletn of the Seismological Society of America, 25, 1–32. Team, T. O. D. (2017). Obspy 1.0.3. Corresponding Author: . 33 20141209063409 1.4 0.3 6 1.8 0.2 6 34 20150521215759 1.5 0.3 5 0.9 0.1 5 35 20150701004049 1.4 0.4 3 0.4 0.1 3