GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale

Session 1.1 GNGTS 2024 paleoseismological trenches (Poli et al., at this session 1.1). The GPR results well depicted the high- resoluton image of the buried geological deformaton, that were highlighted during the excavaton phase (Poli et al., 2024). Finally, the multscale geophysical approach allowed to improve the interpretaton of previous geological and morphotectonic studies of the investgated area. References Poli M.E., Monegato G., Zanferrari A., Falcucci E., Marchesini A., Grimaz S., Malisan P., Del Pin E. (2014) Seismotectonic characterizaton of the western Carnic pre-alpine area between Caneva and Meduno (Ne Italy, Friuli). DPC-INGV-S1 Project “Base-knowledge improvement for assessing the seismogenic potental of Italy”. Rizzo E., Colella, A., Lapenna, V. and Piscitelli, S. (2004). “High-resoluton images of the fault controlled High Agri Valley basin (Southern Italy) with deep and shallow Electrical Resistvity Tomographies”. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 29, 321-327. Rizzo E. & Valeria Giampaolo (2019) New deep electrical resistvity tomography in the High Agri Valley basin (Basilicata, Southern Italy), Geomatcs, Natural Hazards and Risk, 10:1, 197-218, DOI: 10.1080/19475705.2018.1520150 Poli M.E.; Patricelli G.; Falcucci E.; Gori S.; Paiero G.; Rizzo E.; Marchesini A.; Caputo R. (2024). New palaeoseismological evidence of coseismic surface rupture across the Carnic Prealpine front (NE-Italy): the Budoia-Aviano thrust system. GNGTS 2024 (in this session). Corresponding author: