GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale
Session 1.1 GNGTS 2024 of the Cathedral ( Cappella del Santssimo Sacramento ), the synagogue ( Via dei Sabbioni = Via Mazzini), and to the Belriguardo Palace, 14 km South-Est of the city. Less violent earthquakes followed in 1562, 1564. In 1569, seismic actvity strongly afectng the western area of Pilastri and Bondeno, less so Ferrara. The 1570-1574 Seismic Sequence and the repeated building damage and destructon . Afer a sequence of gentle shocks (1-15.11.70), the city was struck by violent earthquakes on 16 th , November and by even stronger shocks on the 17 th . Several shocks were then perceived every and each day between the 17 th of November and the 27 th of February 1571, with possibly a single excepton on 28 th January. During several days of November, up to ten shock per day were perceived. Due to space limitatons, an exhaustve list of damages is not here possible; therefore, atenton is focused on some examples; further informaton is available in the aforementoned references. In the Cathedral, the façade increased its overhang and detached itself form the naves walls, as stll partally visible, the south-eastern corner was also severely damaged (Fig. 1B, C). Portons of the transept collapses and its northern tympanum collapsed onto the opposite house, killing several people (17.11.70). In the churches of S. Francesco and S.M. in Vado, the upper portons of the façades and the nave vaults and domes collapsed (Fig. 3). The church of S. Giovanni Batsta experienced an almost complete destructon, collapsing through several months of shocks, keeping some surviving walls only in the southern fank. In the Estense Castle, the ducal apartments built over the southern barbican (rivellino ), internal cross vaults, the upper part of the four towers, and long portons of corbels collapsed (Fig. 2); the western wing was partcularly damaged, losing vaults on all foors. Writen sources do not clearly report major damage to the Diamant Palace, which however at the tme seems to have lost the portcoes previously built on all four sides of the courtyards. The palace certainly underwent a total reconstructon of the roof and major architecture modifcaton and rebuilt, keeping the original confguraton only in part of the lower order of the northern façade. In November 1570. coseismic liquefacton is documented in the granular sediments of the Medieval Po channel, founding the southernmost porton of the city. Liquefacton triggered lateral expansion toward the port basin and Po di Ferrara channel, induced the collapse of Castel Nuovo, and increased the damage to the 13 th century fortfcaton walls at the southern side of the city.
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