GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale

Session 1.1 GNGTS 2024 Fig. 3 – The upper porton of San Francesco, above the frame of the order, and the internal domes and circular windows rebuilt afer the 1570 earthquakes. Italian quotaton from Pirro Ligorio’s writngs, describing the collapse. Distributon of the seismic sequence damage in tme and space . The reported damage induced by the 1570-1574 seismic sequence normally derived from the summaton of the induvial shock efects, but specifc damage events can be nevertheless detected. In Ferrara, damage and collapses occurred in the following dates: for the year 1570, 23.11 S. Domenico western façade, Castel Nuovo, portons of the city walls near Porta d’Amore; 3.12 almost complete collapse of S. Giovanni Batsta; 13.12 city walls, 14-15.12 S. Andrea, S. Agostno, Palazzo Tassoni; 31.12 Lazzareto in the Boscheto Island West of town, several churches and palaces; for the year 1571, 8.01. S. Andrea, 11.01 and 7.08 Cathedral, partcularly in the transept; 12.01 Palazzo Montecuccoli, 25.08 portons of the new S.M. Angeli building under constructon. Further damage took place during two 1574 earthquakes. The clustering in space and tme of the seismic damage and shock percepton appears to suggest a migraton of epicentres through diferent seismogenetc structures. Two earthquake cluster areas can be detected on the opposite sides of the city. When damage events in the two countryside clusters can be precisely dated, they are not synchronous with those afectng the city or the opposite cluster area. Areas of severe damage are separated by less afected zones. (a) Western areas: 24.11.70 at about 8 p.m., deaths and damage in Bondeno and Ficarolo; 1.12.70, 5.03.71, 30.04, strong shocks in Bondeno, Palantone, Stellata and, North to the Po river, Ficarolo and Vico; 4.06, violent shocks inducing building damage in Parma, perceived as strong in Finale Emilia, S. Felice sul Panaro, and Stellata, as light in Ferrara. The destructon of the Castelmassa