GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale

Session 1.1 GNGTS 2024 church, and the damage to the Melara one, in the western porton of the modern Rovigo Province, respectvely 34 and 42 km from the Ferrara epicentre, are noteworthy, considering that many building closer to town experienced only minor damage, as in Ravalle (VI MCS). (b) South-Eastern Areas: 21-24.11.70 anomalous waves in the Po di Primaro channel; 5.12., 9.12, severe damage in the Belriguardo Palace, partcularly in the entrance clock tower and in structures already damaged by the 1561 earthquake; 8.12 shock partcularly strong in Montesanto; 14-15.12 the shocks damaging Ferrara were well perceived in S. Pietro in Casale, Bologna and Castelbolognese; 26.12. shocks in Belriguardo and Massa Lombarda, perceived as very light in Ferrara; 2.01.71 damage in Berliguardo and Runco, collapse of canal banks, and possible coseismic liquefacton; 3.01 strong shock perceived in Lugo, Imola, and Faenza; 23.12.71 new structural damage in Berliguardo. In the later area, during the seismic sequence, granular sediments deposited into the main Roman Time channel of the Po ( Eridanus ) were afected by important coseismic liquefacton, possibly associated with the outlowing of salty waters. Damage to churches in the cannot be normally dated with precision, but its areal distributon in the region south-east of Ferrara, is signifcant. Damage was severe (VII-VIII MCS) in sites surrounding the Belriguardo area, as in the churches of Cona, Masi Torello, Gaibanella, Runco, Gambulaga, S. Nicolò, Santa Maria Codifume, but it was comparatvely reduced in sites closer to the Ferrara epicentre, like Aguscello (3 Km from it), Focomorto, and Francolino. Conclusions . The architecture history of all major building in the Ferrara and surrounding area has been severely afected by the intense seismic actvity. This is stll evident, for instance, in the Cathedral and Estense Castle. A detailed study of the architecture history and of the damage and reparaton phases stll visible in many buildings can signifcantly integrate the knowledge generated by writen sources, as it is the case of Palazzo dei Diamant. Documented coseismic liquefacton is confned into the Roman and Medieval fuvial channel and proximal levee sediments. The seismic actvity of the area has been ofen characterized by long seismic sequences, like the 1561-1574 one, recording the epicentre migraton, associated to the actvaton of diferent seismogenetc fault systems, refectng the structural intricacy of the buried foredeep external portons of the Apennines Chain.