GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale

Session 1.1 GNGTS 2024 Li, J., Zhu, W., Biondi, E., & Zhan, Z.; 2023a: Earthquake focal mechanisms with distributed acoustc sensing. Nature Communicatons , 14 (1), 4181. htps:// Li, J., Kim, T., Lapusta, N. et al. The break of earthquake asperites imaged by distributed acoustc sensing. Nature 620, 800–806; 2023: htps:// Lior, I., Rivet, D., Ampuero, J. P., Sladen, A., Barrientos, S., Sánchez-Olavarría, R., Villarroel Opazo, G. A., & Bustamante Prado, J. A.; 2023: Magnitude estmaton and ground moton predicton to harness fber optc distributed acoustc sensing for earthquake early warning. Scientfc Reports , 13 (1). htps:// Lior, I., Sladen, A., Mercerat, D., Ampuero, J. P., Rivet, D., & Sambolian, S.; 2021: Strain to ground moton conversion of distributed acoustc sensing data for earthquake magnitude and stress drop determinaton. Solid Earth , 12 (6), 1421–1442. htps:// Piana Agostnet, N., Villa, A., & Saccorot, G.; 2022: Distributed acoustc sensing as a tool for subsurface mapping and seismic event monitoring: A proof of concept. Solid Earth , 13 (2), 449–468. htps:// Sladen, A., Rivet, D., Ampuero, J. P., De Barros, L., Hello, Y., Calbris, G., & Lamare, P.; 2019: Distributed sensing of earthquakes and ocean-solid Earth interactons on seafoor telecom cables. Nature Communicatons , 10 (1). htps:// Trabatoni, A., Biagioli, F., Strumia, C., Van Den Ende, M., Scoto Di Uccio, F., Festa, G., Rivet, D., Sladen, A., Ampuero, J. P., Métaxian, J.-P., & Stutzmann, É.; 2023: From strain to displacement: using deformaton to enhance distributed acoustc sensing applicatons, Geophysical Journal Internatonal, 235(3), 2372–2384.   htps:// Tsuji, T., Ikeda, T., Matsuura, R., Mukumoto, K., Hutapea, F. L., Kimura, T., Yamaoka, K., & Shinohara, M.; 2021: Contnuous monitoring system for safe managements of CO2 storage and geothermal reservoirs. Scientfc Reports , 11 (1). htps:// Walter, F., Gräf, D., Lindner, F, Paitz, P., Köpfi, M., Chmiel, M., Fichtner, A.; 2020: Distributed acoustc sensing of microseismic sources and wave propagaton in glaciated terrain.  Nature Communicatons 11, 2436 htps:// Corresponding author: