GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale

Session 1.1 GNGTS 2024 References Balasco, M., Cavalcante, F., Romano, G., Serlenga, V., Siniscalchi, A., Stabile, T. A., Lapenna, V. (2021). New insights into the High Agri Valley deep structure revealed by magnetotelluric imaging and seismic tomography (Southern Apennine, Italy), Tectonophysics, 808, Art. n. 228817. doi: 10.1016/j.tecto.2021.228817. Bedrosian P.A., Feucht D.W. (2014) Structure and tectonics of the northwestern United States from Earthscope USArray magnetotelluric data. Earth Planet Sci Let 402:275–289. Chiodini G, Granieri D, Avino R, Caliro S, Costa A, Minopoli C, Vilardo G (2010) Nonvolcanic CO2 Earth degassing: case of Mefte d'Ansanto (southern Apennines), Italy. Geophys Res Let 37:L11303. Kelbert A, Meqbel N, Egbert G, Tandon K (2014) ModEM: a modular system for inversion of electromagnetc geophysical data. Computat Geosci 66:40–53. Picozzi, M., Iaccarino, A. G., Bindi, D., Coton, F., Festa, G., Strollo, A., Zollo, A., Stabile, T. A., Adinolf, G. M., Martno, C., Amoroso, O., De Mateis, R., Convertto, V., Spallarossa, D., DESERT, T. (2022): The DEnse mulTi-paramEtriC observatons and 4D high resoluTion imaging (DETECT) experiment, a new paradigm for near-fault observatons - Abstracts, EGU General Assembly 2022 (Vienna, Austria, Online 2022). Corresponding author: