GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale
Session 1.1 GNGTS 2024 Vertcal distributons of underground pore pressures from boreholes in the Southern Apennines and their seismotectonic implicatons E. Vitagliano, N. D’Agostno, L. Improta, L. Pizzino Isttuto Nazionale di Geofsica e Vulcanologia (Rome, Italy) Understanding subsurface pore pressures and crustal permeabilites is crucial for both resource exploitaton and the mitgaton of natural hazards. The pressure gradients inherent in the Earth's crust play an essental role in expelling geofuids and, more generally, in the underground fuid fows (groundwater, carbon dioxide, methane, etc.). Intensity and duraton of the forces responsible for the pressure gradients are predominantly infuenced by crustal permeability (Vannoli et al., 2021). In this context, unravelling the intricate dynamics of the pore pressure not only contributes to efectve resource management but also enhances our ability to comprehend and address potental risks associated with seismic hazards. The reconstructon of pore pressure regimes is normally inferred on the basis of indirect geophysical methods like the velocity ratos (e.g., Amoroso et al., 2017), which are suitable for large-scale studies and provide regional paterns ofen integrated with the geo-structural interpretaton of the subsurface. However, these methods are limited, because they rely on certain assumptons about the subsurface, and their accuracy is contngent on the validity of these assumptons and can be infuenced by the geological complexity of the study area. Conversely, direct pore pressure measurements from well data provide reliable informaton on in situ pressure conditons. These measures can be retrieved from formaton and producton tests and also derived from well logging by applying a properly calibraton and validaton procedure (e.g., Zhang, 2011). Although future research will be addressed to combine both these approaches and thus providing a more comprehensive understanding of subsurface pressure conditons, in the present research we systematcally investgate the vertcal pressure trends using borehole data (mud weights, formaton test and drill stem test pressures). The proposed study is developed in the framework of the FLUIDS Project, funded by the Italian Ministry for Research with the aim at developing and applying an integrated mult-parametric and mult-disciplinary approach to image and track crustal fuids in diferent environments (e.g., tectonic, exploitaton, volcanic). It deals with fuid movements, pore fuid-pressure difusion and analysis of their correlaton with the induced/triggered seismicity. Moreover, our study focuses on the Irpinia and Sannio area, located in the northern part of the Southern Apennines. The Apennines has been generally explored in the last decades by many researchers to examine the relatonship among tectonic processes, fuid movement and seismic
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