GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale

Session 1.1 GNGTS 2024 References Amoroso O., Russo G., De Landro G., Zollo A., Garambois S., Mazzoli S., Parente M., Virieux J.; 2017: From velocity and atenuaton tomography to rock physical modeling: Inferences on fuid-driven earthquake processes at the Irpinia fault system in southern Italy. Geophys. Res. Let., 44, 6752–6760. Chiodini G., Cardellini C., Di Luccio F., Selva J., Frondini F., Caliro S., Rosiello A., Beddini G., Ventura G.; 2020: Correlaton between tectonic CO2 Earth degassing and seismicity is revealed by a 10-year record in the Apennines, Italy. Sci. Adv., 6, eabc2938. Chiodini G.; 2014: Gas emissions and related hazard in Italy. Mem. Descr. Carta Geol. d’It., XCVI, 189-194. In Italian D’Agostno N., Silverii F., Amoroso O., Convertto V., Fiorillo F., Ventafridda G., Zollo A.; 2018: Crustal deformaton and seismicity modulated by groundwater recharge of karst aquifers. Geophys. Res. Let., 45, 12, 253–262. Di Luccio F., Palano M., Chiodini G., Cucci L., Piromallo C., Sparacino F., Ventura G., Improta L. et alii; 2022: Geodynamics, geophysical and geochemical observatons, and the role of CO2 degassing in the Apennines. Earth-Science Reviews, 234, 104236. Fiorillo F., Guadagno F.M.; 2010: Karst spring discharges analysis in relaton to drought periods, using SPI. Water Resource Manage, 24:1867-1884. Improta L., Bonagura M., Capuano P., Iannaccone G.; 2003: An integrated geophysical investgaton of the upper crust in the epicentral area of the 1980, Ms=6.9, Irpinia earthquake (Southern Italy). Tectonophysics, 361, 139-169. Improta L., Corciulo M. (2006): Controlled source nonlinear tomography: A powerful tool to constrain tectonic models of the Southern Apennines orogenic wedge, Italy.  Geology , 34 (11): 941–944. Minissale A.; 2004: Origin, transport and discharge of CO2 in central Italy. Earth Sci. Rev. 66, 89–141. Rovida A., Locat M., Camassi R., Lolli B., Gasperini P.; 2020: The Italian earthquake catalogue CPTI15. Bulletn of Earthquake Engineering, 18(7), 2953-2984. Rovida A., Locat M., Camassi R., Lolli, B., Gasperini P., Antonucci A.; 2022: Catalogo Parametrico dei Terremot Italiani (CPTI15), versione 4.0. Isttuto Nazionale di Geofsica e Vulcanologia (INGV). Vannoli P., Martnelli G., Valensise G.; 2021: The Seismotectonic Signifcance of Geofuids in Italy. Front. Earth Sci., 9:579390. VIDEPI website, available at: htps:// . Accessed on 15 December 2023