GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale

Session 1.1 GNGTS 2024 References Akinci, A., Galadini, F., Pantost, D., Petersen, M., Malagnini, L., & Perkins, D. (2009). Efect of tme dependence on probabilistc seismic-hazard maps and deaggregaton for the Central Apennines, Italy. Bulletn of the Seismological Society of America, 99(2A), 585-610. Basili, R., Valensise, G., Vannoli, P., Burrato, P., Fracassi, U., Mariano, S., ... & Boschi, E. (2008). The Database of Individual Seismogenic Sources (DISS), version 3: summarizing 20 years of research on Italy's earthquake geology. Tectonophysics, 453(1-4), 20-43. Bordoni, P., Gori, S., Akinci, A., Visini, F., Sgobba, S., Pacor, F., ... & Doglioni, C. (2023). A site-specifc earthquake ground response analysis using a fault-based approach and nonlinear modeling: The Case Pente site (Sulmona, Italy). Engineering Geology, 314, 106970. Galadini, F., & Galli, P. (2000). Actve tectonics in the central Apennines (Italy)–input data for seismic hazard assessment. Natural Hazards, 22, 225-268. Galli, P., Giaccio, B., Peronace, E., & Messina, P. (2015). Holocene paleoearthquakes and early–late pleistocene slip rate on the Sulmona fault (central Apeninnes, Italy). Bulletn of the Seismological Society of America, Vol. 105, No. 1, pp. 1–13, February 2015, doi: 10.1785/0120140029 Galli, P., & Pallone, F. (2019). Reviewing the intensity distributon of the 1933 earthquake (Maiella, Central Italy). Clues on the seismogenic fault. Alpine and Mediterranean Quaternary, 32(2), 93-100. Gironelli, V., Volatli, T., Luzi, L., Brunelli, G., Zambrano, M., & Tondi, E. (2023). Ground moton simulatons of historical earthquakes: the case study of the Fabriano (1741, Mw= 6.1) and Camerino (1799, Mw= 6.1) earthquakes in central Italy. Bulletn of Earthquake Engineering, 21(13), 5809-5830. Gori, S., Giaccio, B., Galadini, F., Falcucci, E., Messina, P., Sposato, A., & Dramis, F. (2011). Actve normal faultng along the Mt. Morrone south-western slopes (central Apennines, Italy). Internatonal journal of earth sciences, 100, 157-171. Locat M., Camassi R., Rovida A., Ercolani E., Bernardini F., Castelli V., Caracciolo C.H., Tertulliani A., Rossi A., Azzaro R., D’Amico S., Antonucci A. (2022). Database Macrosismico Italiano (DBMI15), versione 4.0. Isttuto Nazionale di Geofsica e Vulcanologia (INGV). Mori, F., Mendicelli, A., Moscatelli, M., Romagnoli, G., Peronace, E., & Naso, G. (2020). A new Vs30 map for Italy based on the seismic microzonaton dataset. Engineering Geology, 275, 105745. Patacca, E., Scandone, P., Di Luzio, E., Cavinato, G. P., & Paroto, M. (2008). Structural architecture of the central Apennines: Interpretaton of the CROP 11 seismic profle from the Adriatc coast to the orographic divide. Tectonics, 27(3). Petricca, P., Barba, S., Carminat, E., Doglioni, C., & Riguzzi, F. (2015). Graviquakes in italy. Tectonophysics, 656, 202-214.