GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale

Session 1.1 GNGTS 2024 Figure 1. a) spatal distributon of collected data from feld (b) and drone (c) surveys. Surface ruptures highlighted in red. One of the focal points of this study revolved around evaluatng the impact of surface faultng on man-made structures and infrastructural facilites. Through metculous feld assessments and detailed analyses, the research documented the structural damage incurred by buildings, roads, bridges, and other vital infrastructures. By correlatng the observed damage paterns with fault characteristcs and ground motons, valuable insights were gleaned into the vulnerability of various structures (i.e., public, and private buildings) to seismic events of this magnitude. The fndings of this study ofer contributons to the felds of seismology, structural geology, and earthquake engineering. By elucidatng the complex interactons between surface faultng and infrastructure vulnerability, the research provides a robust foundaton for enhancing seismic risk assessments, informing urban planning strategies, and bolstering disaster preparedness and mitgaton eforts in earthquake-prone regions. In summary, this comprehensive investgaton, blending traditonal structural geology surveys with advanced aero photogrammetric techniques, presents a holistc understanding of the M7.8 and 7.5 Turkey earthquakes surface rupture efects. The implicatons of this study extend far beyond understanding the geological aspects, ofering insights into the intricate interplay between seismic