GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale
Session 1.2 GNGTS 2024 Lambert M., Schmalholz S. M., Saenger E. H. and Podladchikov Y. Y.; 2007: Low-frequency anomalies in spectral ratos of single-staton microtremor measurements: Observatons across an oil and gas feld in Austria. In SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2007 (pp. 1352-1356). Society of Exploraton Geophysicists. Panzera F., Sicali S., Lombardo G., Imposa S., Gresta S. and D’Amico S.; 2016: A microtremor survey to defne the subsoil structure in a mud volcanoes area: the case study of Salinelle (Mt. Etna, Italy). Environmental Earth Sciences, 75, 1-13. Saenger E.H., Torres A., Rentsch S., Lambert M., Schmalholz S.M. and Mendez-Hernandez E.; 2007: A hydrocarbon microtremor survey over a gas feld: Identfcaton of seismic atributes. 77th SEG meetng, San Antonio, Texas, USA, Expanded Abstracts, 1277–1281. Corresponding author:
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