GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale

Session 1.2 GNGTS 2024 areal coverage of the thermal emissions startng from September 9, 2023, probably due to shallow magma dynamics. The frst emplaced lava fow was identfed by the cascading algorithm on October 4, 2023, estmatng a hot area of about 55,000 m2. Fig. 3 In conclusion, identfying hidden growth trends within thermal data can be challenging, especially when it comes to identfying small, ever-increasing abnormalites that could be indicatve of an imminent erupton. Therefore, the analysis of satellite thermal data, employing accurate AI detecton techniques, is crucial for detectng signifcant thermal changes leading up to volcanic eruptve phenomena. References: Amato, E.; 2022: Machine Learning and Best Fit Approach to Map Lava Flows from Space. Il nuovo cimento C, 45, 1–12. Calvari, S.; Di Traglia, F.; Ganci, G.; Bruno, V.; Ciancito, F.; Di Lieto, B.; Gambino, S.; Garcia, A.; Giudicepietro, F.; Inguaggiato, S.; et al.; 2022: Mult-Parametric Study of an Eruptve Phase Comprising Unrest, Major Explosions, Crater Failure, Pyroclastc Density Currents and Lava Flows: Stromboli Volcano, 1 December 2020–30 June 2021. Fronters in Earth Science. Corradino, C., Amato, E., Torrisi, F., & Del Negro, C.; 2022: Data-Driven Random Forest Models for Detectng Volcanic Hot Spots in Sentnel-2 MSI Images. Remote Sensing, 14(17), 4370. Giudicepietro, F.; Calvari, S.; D’Auria, L.; Traglia, F.D.; Layer, L.; Macedonio, G.; Caputo, T.; Cesare, W.D.; Ganci, G.; Martni, M.; et al.; 2022: Variatons of Stromboli Actvity Related to the 2019 Paroxysmal Phase Revealed by SOM Clustering of Seis-mo-Acoustc Data and Its Comparison with Video Recordings and GBInSAR Measurements; Copernicus Meetngs. Corresponding Author: