GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale
Session 1.2 GNGTS 2024 WP3 - Geochemistry, Stratgraphy and Rock Magnetsm , foresees to characterize the fuid source by measuring the changes in fux/compositon of emited fuids as a proxy of MV actvity state, to produce contnuous visible video imagery of MV actvity. Micropaleontological and stratgraphic study for depth determinaton of the mud source and investgatons on actve microbiological communites thriving within the erupted mud and around the seepage sites are in progress. Finally, the WP is performing a study of the magnetc propertes of the mud collected in proximity of pools and cones and of the rocks outcropping nearby and recording the changes over tme in the concentraton, mineralogy and coercivity of the magnetc minerals. WP4 – Geophysics , is carrying out several resistvity and magnetc anomaly surveys, for the defniton of the subsoil confguraton geometry by detectng eventual magnetc and electrical conductvity propertes of the MV system. WP5 - Scientfc Outreach , manages the Website of the project, produces multmedia material (pictures and videos) and is in charge of the risk educaton actvites in primary and secondary schools. Study areas We selected two main study sites, the Salse di Nirano (Northern Apennines, Fig. 2B) and the Maccalube di Aragona (Sicily, Fig. 2C). Both the areas are Nature Reserves: Comune di Fiorano Modenese and Ente Parchi dell’Emilia Centrale of Emilia Romagna Region and Legambiente, on behalf of the Sicilian Regional Government, respectvely. Final remarks Many visitors closely approaching the actve mud vents inside the two Natural Reserves and, therefore, to defne a monitoring protocol for the mitgaton of the risk related to possible paroxystc events, is imperatve. For these reasons, the main stakeholders are the organizatons that manage the two Reserves, which both are already providing their logistc support to this project and represent the end users of its outcomes. In summary, PROMUD project has a two-fold challenge, that is to retrieve a model of the spatal and temporal evoluton of MV systems from the multdisciplinary observatons and the atempt of unravelling the transiton from the background state to the paroxysm generaton.
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