GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale

Session 1.2 GNGTS 2024 No n l i n e a r c o nv e c t v e moto n o f t h e asthenosphere and the lithosphere meltng. A model for the birth of a volcano C. Godano 1,2 , S. Carlino 2 , F. Oliveri 3 , C. F. Mufanò 3 1 Department of Mathematcs and Physics, Università della Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli", Caserta, Italy. 2 INGV-Osservatorio Vesuviano, Napoli, Italy 3 Department of Mathematcal and Computer Sciences, Physical Sciences and Earth Sciences The processes of heat transfer occurring between the Earth’s asthenosphere and lithosphere are responsible for partal meltng of rocks, leading to the magma generaton and its migraton and segregaton in the crust and, possibly, to volcanoes generaton at the surface. Convecton is the dominant mechanism regulatng the heat transfer from the asthenosphere to the lithosphere, although many aspects of the whole process are not yet clear. Therefore, the knowledge of the physical processes leading to the meltng of the lithospheric rocks has important consequences in understanding the interior Earth dynamics, the surface volcanic dynamics, and its related hazards. Rock meltng occurs when the temperature gradient meets the rock solidus. Here, we propose a nonlinear convectve 1D analytcal model (representng an approximaton of more 3D complex models). The steady state soluton of our equaton is in good agreement with the estmated geotherms of the asthenosphere. A perturbatve approach leads to a heat swelling at the boundary between asthenosphere and lithosphere able to determine its meltng and the birth of a volcano. A generalizaton of the analytcal model admits only numerical soluton and put some constraint to the model. Corresponding author: