GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale

Session 1.1 GNGTS 2024 References Slejko D., Caporali A., Strling M. and Barba S.; 2010: Occurrence probability of moderate to large earthquakes in Italy based on new geophysical methods. J. Seismol., 14, 27-51, DOI 10.1007/ s10950-009-9175-x. Bambini A.M., Brogi A., Cornamusini G., Costantni A., Foresi L.M. and Lazzaroto A.; 2010: Geologia dell’area di Rapolano Terme in Provincia di Siena (Appennino Setentrionale). Italian Journal of Geosciences 129, 457–95. Brogi A.; 2004: Miocene low-angle detachments and upper crust megaboudinage in the Mt. Amiata geothermal area (Northern Apennines, Italy). Geodin. Acta 17, 375–387. Brogi A.; 2011: Bowl-shaped basin related to low-angle detachment during contnental extension: the case of the controversial Neogene Siena Basin (central Italy, Northern Apennines). Tectonophysics, 499, 54–76. Brogi A. and Capezzuoli E.; 2009: Travertne depositon and faultng: The fault-related travertne fssure-ridge at Terme S. Giovanni, Rapolano Terme (Italy). Internatonal Journal of Earth Sciences 98 (4), 931–947, DOI 10.1007/s00531-007-0290-z. Brogi A., Capezzuoli E., Kele S., Baykara M.O. and Shen C-C.; 2017: Key travertne tectofacies for neotectonics and palaeoseismicity reconstructon: Efects of hydrothermal overpressured fuid injecton. Journal of the Geological Society 174 (4), 679–699, DOI 10.1144/jgs2016-124. Ghinassi M., Aldinucci M., Bianchi V., Brogi A., Capezzuoli E., Yu T.‐L. and Shen C.‐C.; 2021: Lifecycle of an Intermontane Plio‐Pleistocene Fluvial Valley of the Northern Apennines: From Marine‐Driven Incision to Tectonic Segmentaton and Infll. Geosciences, 11, 141, DOI 10.3390/ geosciences11030141. Hancock P. L., Chalmers R.M.L., Altunel E. and Çakir Z.; 1999: Travitonics: using travertnes in actve fault studies. J. Structural Geology, 21, 903-916. Martni I., Ambroset E., Brogi A., Aldinuicci M., Zwaan F. and Sandrelli F.; 2021: Polyphase extensional basins: interplay between tectonics and sedimentaton in the Neogene Siena ‑ Radicofani Basin (Northern Apennines, Italy). Internatonal Journal of Earth Sciences, 110, 1,729–1,751, DOI 10.1007/s00531-021-02038-4. Melet C., Marzocchi W., D'Amico V., Lanzano G., Luzi L., Martnelli F., Pace B., Rovida A., Taroni M., Visini F. and the MPS19 Working Group; 2021: The new Italian Seismic Hazard Model (MPS19). Annals of Geophysics 64, 1, DOI 10.4401/ag-8579. Minissale A.; 2004: Origin, transport, and discharge of CO2 in central Italy. Earth-Science Rev., 66, 89-141, DOI 10.1016/j.earscirev.2003.09.001.