GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale

Session 1.2 GNGTS 2024 Figure 1. (a) Caldera of Campi Flegrei (Italy). The blue circle represents the projecton of the TPE inclusion as inferred from the inversion of geodetc data measured during the period June 1980–1983 (Nespoli et al.2021). (b) Uplif (red curve) as a functon of tme, measured in the locaton of maximum measured uplif (Pozzuoli harbor) from 1980 to 1990. Histograms represent the number of events in tme windows of 20 d. The black curve shows the number of events computed with a moving average. References Belardinelli, M., Bonafede, M. & Nespoli, M. (2019), ‘Stress heterogeneites and failure mechanisms in-diced by temperature and pore-pressure increase in volcanic regions’, Earth and Planetary Science Leters 525, 115765. Belardinelli, M. E., Nespoli, M. & Bonafede, M. (2022), ‘Stress changes caused by exsoluton of magmatc fuids within an axi-symmetric inclusion’, Geophysical Journal Internatonal . Ggac093. URL: htps:// Eshelby, J. D. (1957), ‘The determinaton of the elastc feld of an ellipsoidal inclusion, and related problems’,Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A 241(1226), 376–396.