GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale

Session 1.2 GNGTS 2024 References Amato, E.; 2023: How a CFD Emulator Can Resolve the Boundary Conditons in a Viscous Flow. IEICE Proceedings Series, 76(B4L-42). Amato, E., Zago, V., Del Negro, C.; 2023A: How AI can speed up SPH simulatons. Proceedings of the 17 th internatonal SPHERIC workshop. Rhodes, Greece, 27-29 June, 2023. Amato, E., Zago, V., Del Negro, C.; 2023B: A physically consistent AI-based SPH emulator for computatonal fuid dynamics. Accepted in Nonlinear Engineering Modeling and Applicaton. Cordonnier, B., Lev, E., & Garel, F.; 2016: Benchmarking lava-fow models. Geological Society, London, Special Publicatons, 426(1), 425-445. Kasim, M. F., Watson-Parris, D., Deaconu, L., Oliver, S., Hatield, P., Froula, D. H., ... & Vinko, S. M.; 2021: Building high accuracy emulators for scientfc simulatons with deep neural architecture search. Machine Learning: Science and Technology, 3(1), 015013. Monaghan, J. J.; 2005: Smoothed partcle hydrodynamics. Reports on progress in physics, 68(8), 1703. Zago, V., Amato, E., Cariello, S., Corradino, C., Torrisi, F., & Del Negro, C.; 2023: On Artfcial Intelligence-based emulators of physical models to forecast the evoluton of lava fows (No. EGU23-16305). Copernicus Meetngs. Zago, V., Bilota, G., Cappello, A., Dalrymple, R., Fortuna, L., Ganci, G., ... & Del Negro, C.; 2017: Simulatng complex fuids with smoothed partcle hydrodynamics. Annals of Geophysics. Zago, V., Bilota, G., Hérault, A., Dalrymple, R. A., Fortuna, L., Cappello, A., ... & Del Negro, C.; 2018: Semi-implicit 3D SPH on GPU for lava fows. Journal of computatonal physics, 375, 854-870. Corresponding author: