GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale
Session 1.3 GNGTS 2024 Fig. 2: Vertcal (frst row) and horizontal (second row) component of the displacement produced by a sinusoidal tme history. The input load has been rescaled and inverted to ease the comparison between the two signals. REFERENCES Andrade, E. N. D. C. (1910). On the viscous fow in metals, and allied phenomena. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Containing Papers of a Mathematcal and Physical Character, 84(567):1–12. Barleta, V. R., Ferrari, C., Diolaiut, G., Carnielli, T., Sabadini, R., and Smiraglia, C. (2006). Glacier shrinkage and modeled uplif of the Alps. Geophysical research leters , 33 (14). Bevis, M. G., Kendrick, E. C., Brown, A. K., Khan, S. A., Knudsen, P., Madsen, F., ...and Willis, M. J. (2009). Greenland GPS Network: Crustal oscillatons and seasonal ice mass fuctuatons. In AGU Fall Meetng Abstracts (Vol. 2009, pp. G43B-0728). Bevis, M., Wahr, J., Khan, S. A., Madsen, F. B., Brown, A., Willis, M., ... and Francis, O. (2012). Bedrock displacements in Greenland manifest ice mass variatons, climate cycles and climate change. Proceedings of the Natonal Academy of Sciences , 109 (30), 11944-11948. Durkin, W., Kachuck, S., and Pritchard, M. (2019). The importance of the inelastc and elastc structures of the crust in constraining glacial density, mass change, and isostatc adjustment from geodetc observatons in Southeast Alaska. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 124 , 1106–1119. htps://
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