GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale

Session 1.3 GNGTS 2024 Fig. 2 - Examples of products obtained through SAR-TOOL. (a) Modelling of a synthetc DEM and a spherical Mogi source located at a depth of 2000 metres above sea level; (b) Visualisaton of a phase interferogram relatve to a ground deformaton period at Etna volcano (Italy); (c) Output of the displacements generated by a spherical Mogi source and calculated by the SISTEM algorithm through interacton with 60 synthetc GPS points arranged in a random geometry within the grid. References Guglielmino F., Nunnari G., Puglisi G., Spata A.; 2011: Simultaneous and Integrated Strain Tensor Estmaton from geodetc and satellite deformaton Measurements (SISTEM) to obtain three- dimensional displacement maps. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens. vol., 49, pp. 1815-1826. Mogi K.; 1958: Relatons between the eruptons of various volcanoes and the deformatons of the ground surfaces around them. Bulletn of the Earthquake Research Insttute, pp. 99-134. Wegmüller U., Werner C.L.; 1997: GAMMA SAR processor and interferometry sofware. Proceedings 3 rd ERS Scientfc Symposium, Florence, Italy. Corresponding author: