GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale

Session 1.3 GNGTS 2024 Physical models for the Solid Earth and integraton between modeling and data of diferent nature G.Martnelli 1 , L.Pierot 2 , G.Facca 2 , F.Gherardi 2 1 INGV, Dept.Palermo, Palermo, Italy 2 CNR-IGG, Pisa, Italy In recent decades, phenomenological methods known as Recogniton of Earthquake-Prone Areas (REPA) were set up for identfying potental sites of powerful earthquakes. The informaton on potental earthquake sources provided by the REPA method is an essental part of the seismic hazard assessment methodology. For the frst tme, we combined global-scale informaton on the geographic occurrence of geofuids with global-scale informaton on earthquake occurrence, heat fow distributon, and S-wave dispersion, to gain insight into the evoluton of local stress-strain felds. We focused on areas characterized by the occurrence of thermal waters and/or by the release of deep-seated gases, as traced by the isotope compositon of associated helium. We notced that the geographical distributon of these geofuids might serve as an indirect indicator of crustal permeability anomalies generated by crustal deformaton procedures. This study proposes adding geofuids to the list of fundamental geological parameters to be considered in hazard assessment research. Corresponding author: