GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale
Session 1.3 GNGTS 2024 References Amato, A., Alessandrini, B., Cimini, G., Frepoli, A., Selvaggi, G.; 1993: Actve and remnant subducted slabs beneath Italy: evidence from seismic tomography and seismicity. Ann. Geophys. 36 (2) htps:// . Cai, N., Qi, X., Chen, T., Wang, S., Yu, T., Wang, Y., et al.; 2021: Enhanced visibility of subducton slabs by the formaton of dense hydrous phase A. Geophys. Res. Let. 48 (19), 1–10. htps:// . Červený, V., Pšenčík, I.; 1984: SEIS83-Numerical modelling of seismic wave felds in 2-D laterally varying layered structures by the ray method. In: Engdahl, E.R. (Ed.), Documentaton of Earthquake Algorithms, Report SE-35. World Data Center A for Solid Earth Geophysics, Boulder, pp. 36–40. Červený, V., Molotkov, I.A., Pšenčík, I.; 1977: Ray method in seismology. Charles Univ. Press, Praha. Collier, J.D., Helfrich, G.R., Wood, B.J.; 2001: Seismic discontnuites and subducton zones. Phys. Earth Planet. Inter. 127 (1–4), 35–49. htps:// 01)00220-5. European Integrated Data Archive; 2023: htp:// (accessed 31 October 2021). Furumura, T., Kennet, B.L.N., Padhy, S.; 2016: Enhanced waveguide efect for deep-focus earthquakes in the subductng Pacifc slab produced by a metastable olivine wedge. J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth 121, 6779–6796. htps:// Hacker, B.R., Abers, G.A., Peacock, S.M.; 2003: Subducton factory 1. Theoretcal mineralogy, densites, seismic wave speeds, and H 2 O contents. J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth 108 (B1), 1–26. htps:// ISIDe Working Group; 2007: Italian Seismological Instrumental and Parametric Database (ISIDe) [Dataset]. Isttuto Nazionale di Geofsica e Vulcanologia (INGV). htps://doi.Org/10.13127/ISIDE. Incorporated Research Insttutons for Seismology Data Management Centre; 2023: htps:// (accessed 31 October 2021). Kennet, B.L.N., Engdahl, E.R.; 1991: Traveltmes for global earthquake locaton and phase i d e ntf c ato n . Ge o p hy s . J . I n t . 1 0 5 , 4 2 9 – 4 6 5 . htp s : / / d o i . o r g / 1 0 . 1 1 1 1 / j.1365-246X.1991.tb06724.x Murphy, J.R., Barker, B.W.; 2006: Improved focal-depth determinaton through automated identfcaton of the seismic depth phases pP and sP. Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am. 96 (4A), 1213–1229. htps:// . Pino, N.A., Helmberger, D.V.; 1997: Upper mantle compressional velocity structure beneath the West Mediterranean Basin. J. Geophys. Res. 102 (B2), 2953–2967. htps:// 10.1029/96JB03461. Scarf, L., Barberi, G., Barreca, G., Cannavò, F., Koulakov, I., Patanè, D.; 2018: Slab narrowing in the Central Mediterranean: the Calabro-Ionian subducton zone as imaged by high resoluton seismic tomography. Sci. Rep. 8 (1), 1–12. htps://doi . org/10.1038/s41598.018-23543-8.
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