GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale
Session 1.3 GNGTS 2024 Space Weather: Central Italy Geoelectric-Field Mapping G. Pignatello 1 , I. Coco 2 , M. De Girolamo 2 , F. Giannatasio 2 , V. Materni 2 , L. Miconi 2 , G. Romano 1 , V. Romano 2 , V. Sapia 2 , S. Tripaldi 1 , R. Tozzi 2 , A. Siniscalchi 1 , P. De Michelis 2 1 Dipartmento di Scienze della Terra e Geoambientali, Università degli Studi di Bari, "Aldo Moro", Bari, Italy 2 Isttuto Nazionale di Geofsica e Vulcanologia, Roma, Italy External dynamic processes related to extreme solar actvity events can cause temporary disturbances of the Earth's magnetc feld. These geomagnetc disturbances induce geoelectric felds in the subsurface that generate low- frequency geomagnetcally induced electric currents (GICs), which, fowing in metallic electrically conductve structures, can cause them to be damaged or malfuncton. Considering the sudden growth of the Sun's magnetc actvity, which in the current solar cycle will peak in the year 2024, and the increasing dependence on electrical power and communicaton systems in our daily lives, many countries around the world are developing natonal strategies and risk assessment procedures for mitgatng the risks associated with Space Weather events (A. Kelbert, 2020). From the need to beter understand the risk associated with the occurrence of GICs, the INGV research project called "MARGE", geoelectromagnetc risk mapping, was born. It aims to develop geoelectric feld maps for real-tme monitoring of ground efects related to Space Weather events as well as to defne a 3D model of electrical resistvity at the regional scale of the middle crust and upper mantle of central Italy, so as to improve knowledge about the physical characteristcs of the crust and mantle in the area under investgaton. This model will also be used for more accurate predicton of GICs. This note will show the results of the analysis of simultaneous variable magnetc feld recordings recorded in Central Italy observatories and electromagnetc feld with broadband magnetotelluric statons at a distance of a few hundred km with a threefold purpose:
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