GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale
Session 1.3 GNGTS 2024 The most relevant feature in the area is a high atenuaton and scatering anomalies corresponding to almost the entre Apenninic Chain and related to its East- and West-dipping extensional Quaternary tectonic alignments. The fracture zones associated with the principal faults represent preferental ways for the circulaton of CO 2 -bearing fuids. A deep, wide, high-atenuaton and high- scatering anomaly below the Matese extensional system appears the likely source of fuids feeding springs at its surface, while a smaller anomaly, at about 7 km depths, can be located in the proximity of the L’Aquila 2009 seismogenic area. The two atenuatve areas are divided by a low atenuaton and scatering volume actng as barriers for fuids and earthquake propagaton. This detects a locked seismic zone with low seismic energy release corresponding to the Fucino and Morrone-Porrara fault systems and representng an area of stress accumulaton and signifcant seismic hazard. Amoroso, O., Russo, G., De Landro, G., Zollo, A., Garambois, S., Mazzoli, S., Parente, M., Virieux, J., 2017. From velocity and atenuaton tomography to rock physical modeling: Inferences on fuid- driven earthquake processes at the Irpinia fault system in southern Italy: From Seismic Tomography to Rock Modeling. Geophys. Res. Let. 44, 6752–6760. htps:// 10.1002/2016GL072346
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