GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale
Session 1.3 GNGTS 2024 Bagh, S., Chiaraluce, L., De Gori, P., Moret, M., Govoni, A., Chiarabba, C., Di Bartolomeo, P., Romanelli, M., 2007. Background seismicity in the Central Apennines of Italy: The Abruzzo region case study. Tectonophysics 444, 80–92. htps:// De Siena, L., Thomas, C., Aster, R., 2014. Mult-scale reasonable atenuaton tomography analysis (MuRAT): An imaging algorithm designed for volcanic regions. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 277, 22–35. htps:// De Siena, L., Thomas, C., Waite, G.P., Moran, S.C., Klemme, S., 2014. Atenuaton and scatering tomography of the deep plumbing system of Mount St. Helens. J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth 119, 8223–8238. htps:// Di Martno, M.D.P., De Siena, L., Tisato, N., 2022. Pore Space Topology Controls Ultrasonic Waveforms in Dry Volcanic Rocks. Geophysical Research Leters 49. htps:// 10.1029/2022GL100310 Di Stefano, R., Ciaccio, M.G., 2014. The lithosphere and asthenosphere system in Italy as inferred from the Vp and Vs 3D velocity model and Moho map. Journal of Geodynamics 82, 16– 25. htps:// Frepoli, A., Cimini, G.B., De Gori, P., De Luca, G., Marchet, A., Monna, S., Montuori, C., Pagliuca, N.M., 2017. Seismic sequences and swarms in the Latum-Abruzzo-Molise Apennines (central Italy): New observatons and analysis from a dense monitoring of the recent actvity. Tectonophysics 712–713, 312–329. htps:// Gualteri, L., Serret, P., Morelli, A., 2014. Finite-diference P wave travel tme seismic tomography of the crust and uppermost mantle in the Italian region: P WAVE TOMOGRAPHY OF THE ITALIAN REGION. Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst. 15, 69–88. htps:// 10.1002/2013GC004988 King, T., De Siena, L., Benson, P., Vinciguerra, S., 2022. Mapping faults in the laboratory with seismic scatering 1: the laboratory perspectve. Geophysical Journal Internatonal 232, 1590– 1599. htps:// King, T., De Siena, L., Zhang, Y., Nakata, N., Benson, P., Vinciguerra, S., 2023. Mapping faults in the laboratory with seismic scatering 2: the modelling perspectve. Geophysical Journal Internatonal 234, 1024–1031. htps:// Reiss, M.C., De Siena, L., Muirhead, J.D., 2022. The Interconnected Magmatc Plumbing System of the Natron Rif. Geophysical Research Leters 49. htps:// Romano, M.A., de Nardis, R., Garbin, M., Peruzza, L., Priolo, E., Lavecchia, G., Romanelli, M., 2013. Temporary seismic monitoring of the Sulmona area (Abruzzo, Italy): a quality study of microearthquake locatons. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci. 13, 2727–2744. htps:// 10.5194/nhess-13-2727-2013 Scafdi, D., Solarino, S., Eva, C., 2009. P wave seismic velocity and Vp/Vs rato beneath the Italian peninsula from local earthquake tomography. Tectonophysics 465, 1–23. htps:// 10.1016/j.tecto.2008.07.013 Sketsiou, P., De Siena, L., Gabrielli, S., Napolitano, F., 2021. 3-D atenuaton image of fuid storage and tectonic interactons across the Pollino fault network. Geophysical Journal Internatonal 226, 536–547. htps://
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