GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale

Session 1.3 GNGTS 2024 Twenty years of geodetc monitoring in NE-Italy L. Tunini 1 , A. Magrin 1 , D. Zuliani 1 , G. Rossi 1 1 Natonal Insttute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics - OGS - Italy North-Eastern Italy is part of the difused tectonic boundary that accommodates the present-day convergence between the Adria microplate and the Eurasia plate. It is a region characterized by low deformaton rates and moderate seismicity. It greatly benefts from contnuous and high- precision geodetc monitoring, since it has been equipped with a permanent GNSS network providing real-tme data and daily observatons over two decades. This network, called Friuli Regional Deformaton Network FReDNet ( htps:// ), has been established by the Natonal Insttute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics - OGS with the aim of monitoring the distributon of crustal deformaton and providing supplementary informaton for the regional earthquake hazard assessment (Zuliani et al., 2018). From the frst statons installed in 2002, FReDNet has been contnuously growing untl countng, nowadays, 22 permanent GNSS statons covering homogeneously the eastern Alps, the alluvial plain, and the coastal areas of NE-Italy. Most of the tme series are longer than 15 years. Data from FReDNet are collected, quality-checked, transformed into RINEX-formated fles, and then released under a Creatve Common license (CC BY-SA) along with their metadata, through a public fp repository (FReDNet DC 2016), accessible at the link htps:// . We processed daily GNSS data from FReDNet and from other permanent networks, using the GAMIT/GLOBK sofware package version 10.71 (Herring et al., 2018). Data processing was performed on the HPC cluster GALILEO100 of CINECA, which uses the SLURM system for job scheduling and workload management (Tunini et al., 2023). Here, we present the processing results focused on the NE-Italy, in terms of tme-series and velocity feld, and we illustrate the diferent aspects considered to test the reliability of the adopted processing procedure and of the obtained results, such as considering or avoiding tdal or non-tdal loadings or changing the reference statons, the infuence of the type of GNSS monuments, or the locaton of the geodetc antenna (on a roof or in the free-feld). This research was supported by OGS and CINECA under the HPC-TRES program. In additon, we acknowledge the CINECA award under the ISCRA initatve, for the availability of high-performance computng resources and support (IscraC IsC83_GPSIT-2).