GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale
Session 1.1 GNGTS 2024 A new 3D seismotectonic model of the Pedeapenninic Front between Parma and Bologna (Italy): new perspectves on Seismic Hazard Assessment G. Carloni 1* , G. Vignaroli 1 , T. Gusmeo 1 , L. Martelli 2 , G. Viola 1 1 Università di Bologna-Dipartmento di Scienze Biologiche, Geologiche e Ambientali 2 Regione Emilia-Romagna – Area geologia, suoli e sismica * now at: Provincia di Ferrara – Setore Pianifcazione Territoriale e Urbanistca Introducton Understanding how surface britle deformaton paterns of seismic areas relate to their seismogenic source(s) is crucial for seismic hazard assessment protocols and should signifcantly rely on deterministc geological inputs. Aiming at a beter picture of the subsurface along the Pedeapenninic Front of the Northern Apennines (Italy), we built a new 3D seismotectonic model (Fig. 1) of the area between Parma and Bologna incorporatng new geological surface constraints with a wealth of subsurface geological and geophysical data, in order to locate, characterise and parametrize the actve and seismogenic faults that defne the seismotectonic framework of the region. The investgated area extends from the mountainous internal sector of the Northern Apennines, to the south, to the fat Po Plain in the north. Adria-related Tuscan Units crop out in the axial sector and are overthrust by the allochthonous Ligurian and Epiligurian Units. Pliocene and younger units crop out along the Pedeapenninic Front (Boccalet et al., 1985; DeCelles and Giles, 1996; Boccalet et al., 2011). Compressive tectonics is currently on-going in the external part of the chain, with the Pedeapenninic Front and the Po Plain blind thrusts striking NW-SE (Jolivet and Faccenna, 2000; Bennet et al., 2012). This thrust system is dissected by transverse normal and transpressive/transtensive faults. This work provides the scientfc community with a 3D seismotectonic model to be used for practcal purposes, such as the assessment of seismic hazard in specifc areas of interest as well as scientfc and educatonal purposes. The methodological approach used to generate this 3D model, and its associated database, also serves as an inspiring workfow for characterising actve and seismogenic faults in other geological setngs elsewhere, where seismogenic faults are buried and not directly accessible for feld studies.
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