GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale
Session 2.1 GNGTS 2024 Considering the good results shown in the comparison with the outputs of the HPC implementation, we proceeded to apply the method implemented to the chosen case study. Fig. 3: a) Hazard maps for the flow-depth for different annual return periods. (a) and (d) plots represent our results for the 250 clusters. Plots in (b)-(g), (c)-(h), (d)-(i) represent the 16 th percentile, the mean and the 84 th percentile of the results obtained with the use of massive HPC. Last two columns (e) and (j) represent the difference between our results in the first columns and the mean values on the (c)-(h) columns. The application We applied the method to the North Adriatic region of Ravenna, particularly monitored for the subsidence that characterises the area and its important port. Porto Corsini, along the Adriatic coast, has consistently held a crucial role as a maritime hub (Perini et al., 2017; Armaroli et al., 2019). The port's strategic location has facilitated the efficient transportation of goods, people, and ideas throughout the region and beyond. With its proximity to major international trade routes, Porto Corsini has emerged as a crucial link connecting Italy to the broader global network of maritime commerce. Studying the tsunami hazard in this area can play a useful perspective to help enabling the identification and implementation of effective mitigation measures to safeguard the port's infrastructure, maritime activities, and the surrounding coastal community from potential catastrophic events, ensuring the uninterrupted functioning of this vital maritime hub. The bathymetric and topographic grid models for the simulations were built adopting the European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet) project database (EMODnet DTM version released in 2018,, last access: 23 April 2021), the European Digital Elevation Model (EU-DEM), version 1.1 (eu_dem_v11_E50N10). Superimposed on these grids, for greater detail in the target area, two nautical maps have been digitised. The
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