GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale

Session 2.1 GNGTS 2024 peak was recorded during the first hours of 17 November, 2023. The temperature peak reached 5 °C over a time interval during the early morning hours when the temperature is usually at its lowest. The time interval duration of around 4 hours from the 00:00 to 04:00 on November 17 is represented by a red line in Fig. 2 top, while the green line indicates the dew point. Data from the Montelparo meteorological instruments, and other stations positioned within 50 km, all reported significant increases in the temperatures during the same hours or over a longer time interval. Moreover, the temperatures recorded by meteorological stations more than 100 km from the Fermo Station did not detect any increases over the same hours. No increases in temperature were observed from Fig. 2 top after the December 13, 2023, peak. Fig. 2 – The Radon decay counts recorded at the San Procolo, Fermo Station, during the 5 days around the seismic event on the bottom, the temperature and the dew point trends along the same time interval on the top. The second recorded count decay peak is only partially shown here An earthquake of a magnitude ML = 3.6 occurred 4 km SE Allerona (TR), on December 6, 2023, at 21:06:13 Italian time having geographical coordinates of 42.7960N and 12.0130E at a depth of 10.6 km (INGV, 2015). Its focal mechanism having been a strike sleep was unlike the Montelparo event. Strong earthquakes have occurred in the past in the same area although with a lower frequency than in the Marche Region. The active Radon detector nearest to the epicentre was the Perugia Seismic Observatory Andrea Bin a , during the same period of the December 6 event, less than 50 km from the epicentre. The detector is located inside the San Pietro Abbey in Perugia and has been operative since the beginning of 2022. To date, this detector has counted an average low number of daily Radon decays, reaching a relative maximum on December 2, 2023. A relative minimum occurred about two day after the maximum on December 4, 2023, about two days before the shock, reported in Fig. 3. Pressure reported on the top of Fig. 3 evidenced a maximum of 1,019 mbar during the descending phase of the Radon count. Whereas, a 21 mm of cumulate rainfall was measured on December 5, 2023, and reported on the bottom of Fig. 3. No apparent influence of meteorological conditions on the Radon measurements were detected in Perugia over the same days. The data collected from both these recent events and all events in recent years proves to be valuable for testing the