GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale

Session 2.1 GNGTS 2024 monitoring networ k . This enables a statistical investigation into their correlation with seismic events. Fig. 3 – The Radon decay counts at the Andrea Bina Observatory, Perugia Station, measured during the days preceding and following the Allerona event, indicated by a vertical red arrow, and the superimposed meteorological trends of pressure on the top and rain on the bottom along the same time interval References Chiodini G., Cardellini C., Amato A., Boschi E., Caliro S., Frondini F., Ventura G.; 2004: Carbon dioxide Earth degassing and seismogenesis in central and southern Italy. Seismological Research Letters, 31, L07615. De Antoni G., Milan T., Santini C., Baroffio E., Barile G.; Analisi della variazione del gas Randon lungo la Faglia della Cremosina e Sintesi sulla ricerca e sperimentazione di un nuovo sensore Radon. Osservatorio Geofisico di Novara, Progetto Gas Radon, pp. 40 . Fidani C.; 2011: The Central Italy electromagnetic network and the 2009 L’Aquila earthquake: observed electric activity. Geosciences, 1 (1), 3-25. Fidani C., De Antoni G., Milan T., Siciliani M.; 2022: An update of the Central Italy Electromagnetic Network with Radon detectors, 40th GNGTS, Trieste, p. 47-51. INGV; 2015: CPTI15, Catalogo Parametrico dei Terremoti Italiani 2015, versione 4.0.