GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale

Session 1.1 GNGTS 2024 Parametrisaton of actve and seismogenic faults For each actve and/or seismogenic fault populatng the 3D database, an atribute table (Fig. 2b) was populated listng their main characteristcs, such as: - geometric parameters directly measured in the model (fault trace length, depth, dip directon, dip angle in Fig. 2a). - kinematc parameters (Fig. 2a), such as kinematcs (estmated based on geological consideratons and existng literature), displacement along the fault strike, and slip rate. The displacement was calculated in the 3D model by creatng a series of evenly spaced (every 2 km) cross-sectons, with the spacing distance chosen based on the size of the analysed structures and the desired level of detail and contnuity. On these sectons we mapped the positon of the intersecton points of each chronostratgraphic boundary displaced above and below the fault. The 3D coordinates of these points in the hanging wall and footwall were then extracted and used to seamlessly calculate the three components of displacement and their resultant along the fault strike. To calculate the average slip rate, the previously calculated displacements were sorted according to the age of depositon of the displaced chronostratgraphic limits. - historical and instrumental seismicity data and available focal mechanisms to obtain the seismological parameters of the studied faults (Fig. 2a). Specifc seismic clusters that could be clearly assigned to specifc seismogenic faults were analysed to extract the maximum recorded magnitude for a specifc fault and to identfy the tme periods during which the major seismic sequences occurred. For the remaining parameters (slip per event, return period, maximum possible magnitude), we employed well known seismological formulas (e.g., Kanamori & Anderson, 1975; Leonard, 2010).