GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale

Session 2.1 GNGTS 2024 CFTIcompare is a web-based tool that allows for a visual comparison of the effects of two different earthquakes, or of the intensity data supplied by two different studies of the same earthquake. The comparison is performed on a geographical basis, and may concern either data from the CFTI alone (which are shown along with summaries of the effects for each individual location) – for example to compare the effects of two earthquakes that occurred in adjacent areas – or from other databases (e.g. ASMI, DBMI, Hai sentito il terremoto?). The user may also use his/her own dataset, provided that it is organised following one of the three allowed input formats. CFTIvisual (Bianchi et al., 2022) is the Atlas of visual sources on Italian historical earthquakes (Fig. 1). About four decades of investigation of Italian historical earthquakes led to the retrieval of many visual sources, including engravings, paintings, photographs, film documents, etc. They may be useful to scholars from different disciplines for supplementing information on the estimation of damage, on the response of institutions, on scientific observations, etc. Currently the Atlas allows for advanced consultation of all visual sources that concern Italian earthquakes and can be freely published. Dedicated links allow connecting the sources to contextual descriptive information from CFTI. Fig. 1 - CFTIvisual web interface. CFTIsequences displays the earthquake sequences through interactive graphs and maps (Fig. 2). This result has been made possible through extensive data review of historical sources aimed at integrating and validating data related to the chronology, the location, and the effects of individual shocks. It allows users to consult the available data for individual shocks and for individual locations while keeping all descriptive textual comments visible.