GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale
Session 1.1 GNGTS 2024 Model validaton First of all, we validated the assessment procedure of the model through the visual juxtapositon of chronostratgraphic units and faults, as delineated by the input informaton, against their corresponding 3D modelled geometries. We compared the plan view of the 3D seismotectonic model with the original 2D seismotectonic map of the Emilia-Romagna Region (Martelli et al., 2016; Fig. 3a). Then, we generated six sectons from the 3D model using the dedicated slicer tool in Leapfrog Work, and we compared them with the real cross-sectons used as input (Fig. 3b). This comparison clearly demonstrates the high quality of the model and the correct reproducton of the main mapped geometries. The observed diferences are due to the simplifcaton of the geological system and are intentonally overlooked to highlight only the geology of interest. The main horizons and faults that could be easily correlated between diferent domains were interpolated and created. Therefore, all the lower hierarchical structures are missing in the model sectons (to the lef in Fig. 3b), because it is impossible to correlate them laterally with the data available in the literature. Another important point to consider when comparing the obtained results with the input data is that, in some model-generated sectons, the attude of the deeper stratgraphic units was inferred beyond the extent of the 2D input sectons when the available data allowed for it This type of validaton is therefore feasible in areas where 2D input data exist, while the remaining areas of the model are the result of our interpretaton. We further refned the validaton of the 3D model by employing data from the existng literature and basic geological knowledge to verify the accuracy of the reconstructed geometries. This evaluaton step aimed to determine if the modelled geometries can be considered meaningful and compared with the real geological structures. For the mapped faults, for example, we verifed whether their reconstructon is geometrically and kinematcally compatble with the thrust-type structures and extensional faults (Anderson, 1951; Fossen, 2016) located in the frontal and in the internal sectors, respectvely, of the Northern Apennines fold-and-thrust belt. The geometric, kinematc, and seismological parameters in the atribute table of each fault were compared with the available literature data (ITHACA Working Group, 2019; Basili et al., 2008), thus confrming that the parameters calculated by this model are indeed comparable with those reported in the literature.
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