GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale
Session 2.2 GNGTS 2024 GNGTS 2024 DISASTER RISK ANALYSIS AND REDUCTION Session 2.2 Science and technology to support earthquake prevenHon and preparedness Convenors of the session: Mauro Dolce (UniNA) – Francesca Pacor (INGV) – Maria Polese (UniNA) – ContribuHons recommended for this session: ● Monitoring networks for the knowledge of seismic hazard and for rapid response ● Shaking scenarios at different territorial scales for seismic risk evaluaCons: methodological approaches, uncertainty management and input data ● Assessment of seismic risk and its engineering components (vulnerability and exposure) at different territorial scales and with different methodologies, and development of the necessary tools and databases ● Methodologies and examples of mulC-risk analysis associated to seismic risk (e.g. earthquakes and tsunamis) ● Civil protecCon planning and urban planning tools for seismic risk miCgaCon ● Techniques and examples of seismic strengthening or retrofit intervenCons of rapid execuCon and having low impact on the service conCnuity of the building, also integrated with energy efficiency intervenCons and considering circular economy principles ● Tools for the safety assessment of individual buildings, including on-site and remote monitoring and related analysis methodologies ● ContribuCons for the improvement of seismic standards for different structural types (buildings, bridges, warehouses, large structures, etc.) and for different structural materials (masonry, reinforced concrete, steel, wood, etc.) for the design of new buildings or intervenCons on exisCng buildings, including the evaluaCon of seismic design acCons Seismic risk miCgaCon is a rapidly evolving field, as scienCfic, engineering and technological developments are providing new elements for the prevenCon, preparedness, response and recovery of the system and populaCon to the effects of
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