GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale

Session 2.2 GNGTS 2024 A dense accelerometric network supporHng rapid damage esHmaHon in Veneto P.L. Bragato 1 , J. Boaga 2 , G. CapotosH 1 , P. Comelli 1 , S. Parolai 1,3 , G. Rossi 1 , H. Siracusa 1 , P. Ziani 1 , D. Zuliani 1 1 Na9onal Ins9tute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics – OGS, Italy 2 University of Padova, Italy 3 University of Trieste, Italy On 20 April 2020 Regione del Veneto and the Italian NaConal InsCtute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics – OGS signed an agreement for the deployment of a dense accelerometric network covering over 50% of the municipaliCes in Veneto. The project conCnued similar iniCaCves undertaken by OGS in recent years (Bragato et al., 2021): its main objecCve was to give reliable shaking scenarios aper severe earthquakes, allowing rapid damage esCmaCons for civil protecCon purposes (Poggi et al., 2021). The network was built in less than nine months between February and October 2022 and currently comprises 312 three-component MEMS accelerometers each one installed in the basement of a building (Fig. 1). Twenty-two edifices were also equipped with an accelerometer at the top for studying their dynamical response. In order to reduce the administraCve work and the number of formal agreements, the edifices were chosen among the headquarters of organizaCons of volunteers coordinated by the Civil ProtecCon of Regione del Veneto, telephone exchange buildings of TIM s.p.a., and post offices of Poste Italiane s.p.a. (129, 120 and 42 structures, respecCvely). Another 21 buildings were made available by municipaliCes (mainly town halls). Seismic noise characterizaCon has been performed for 100 sites and will be conCnued for the other ones. The network is based on the accelerometer ADEL ASX2000, developed and tested in close collaboraCon between OGS and the manufacturer, highlighCng the interconnecCon between research and the private sector. It is a cost-effecCve instrument that guarantees mechanical robustness, quality of the recordings and sufficient sensiCvity to give usable signals in the near field roughly from ML=2.5. The seismic recordings are transmibed in real-Cme by means of LTE internal modems using the “seedlink” protocol. The data are acquired on a virtual machine in the cloud hosted by TIM s.p.a. All the adopted soluCons aim to allow the technical and economical sustainability of the network in the long term, so that similar monitoring systems can be proposed for other regions in Italy. The network proved its validity for two earthquakes that occurred in southern Veneto on 25 and 28 October 2023 (magnitude ML 4.4 and 4.3, respecCvely).