GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale

Session 2.2 GNGTS 2024 compared with those from second and third levels of Seismic MicrozonaCon studies available in Tuscany. Approximately 1500 benchmark samples were idenCfied, revealing disCnct trends among various SHM, parCcularly between those with outcropping sedimentary covers and those with exposed geological bedrock. In general, amplificaCon esCmates provided by the approach here proposed provide a slight overesCmate of the ones provided by the detailed seismic microzonaCon studies (less than 10% on average). However, this overesCmate is largely within the range of uncertainty affecCng regional esCmates and mostly concerns SHMs where bedrock outcrops. It is worth to note that by no way the proposed approach should be considered as a subsCtute for detailed local studies. Anyway it could be considered to provide ex-ante evaluaCons to be used as a preliminary reference for large scale risk analysis and for a preliminary assessment of expected ground moCon effects where more detailed studies are not available so far. References Commissione Tecnica MS; 2018: Standard di rappresentazione e archiviazione informaCca degli studi di MS vers.4.1. Gaudiosi I., Romagnoli G., Albarello D., Fortunato C., Imprescia P., SCgliano F. Moscatelli M.; 2023: G/G 0 (γ) and D(γ) curves joined with engineering geological units in Italy. In press on Sci.Data, Romagnoli G., Tarquini E., Porchia A., Catalano S., Albarello D., Moscatelli M.; 2022: The possible use of engineering-geological qualitaCve characterizaCon of shallow subsoil for a preliminary esCmate of the Vs profile in seismic microzonaCon studies. Soil Dyn. Earthq. Eng., 161, 107347, SM Working Group; 2015: Guidelines for Seismic MicrozonaCon, Conference of Regions and Autonomous Provinces of Italy – Civil ProtecCon Department, Rome. Corresponding author: