GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale
Session 2.2 GNGTS 2024 where is the number of isolators. The input features of isolaCng system were chosen to result in a vibraCon period of the isolated system of 2.0 seconds. For comparison, the “fixed” configuraCon has an in-plane vibraCon period of 0.0053 seconds. An equivalent viscous damping coefficient of 10% was also considered for the isolated system. It is worth noCng that, assuming a dynamic shear modulus of 0.4 MPa for the rubber layers and a cylindrical shape for the isolator, the sCffness corresponds to a raCo (e.g., a 30 mm high rubber cylinder with a radius of 5.4 mm). The above link parameters have been calibrated as shown in Tab. 2. Tab. 2 – Link parameters. It is important to note that the parameters for Wen and Gap links were chosen with the aim of achieving the best agreement between the numerical results and the experimental data. Discussion of numerical results Fig. 2(a) shows the numerical response of the façade subjected to in-plane lateral displacement as a funcCon of the corresponding reacCon force, compared to the reference literature experiment (Aiello et al., 2018). The numerical results have good agreement with the test, confirming the goodness of the modelling strategy proposed by Caterino et al. (2017) and further elaborated in Aiello et al. (2018) for predicCng the global seismic behaviour of a sCck curtain wall. k isol , i = k isol n n = 15 r 2 h = 0.98 Parameter Gap Wen Linear SCffness [N/mm] 75 500 1.24 Damping [N·s/m] - - 78.75 open [mm] 6 - - raCo [-] - 0 - yield [kN] - 50 - exp [-] - 1 -
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