GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale

Session 2.2 GNGTS 2024 The state of art of the Italian NaHonal Seismic Network L. Chiaraluce, A. Mandiello, M. Massa, D. Piccinini and RSNM-BOARD 1 1 Is9tuto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV, Italy) The NaConal Seismic Network (RSN) is a research infrastructure that must allow the scienCfic community to pracCse and develop cumng-edge seismological research topics. To do this, the RSN must have a configuraCon able to guarantee the conCnuous producCon in real Cme of high-quality data, in standard formats, correctly described and easily and freely accessible to all users. It is our opinion that if the RSN allows the development of front-line scienCfic research, it will easily be able to allow a detailed monitoring service of seismic acCvity throughout the whole naConal territory. In this context, network configuraCon and technology play a fundamental role. For this reason, we have established a series of analyses aimed at evaluaCng the quality of the data produced by both the velocity and accelerometer staCons of the IV and MN Networks managed by the INGV. Thus, through a complex analysis of the signal’s characterisCc and conCnuity and instruments associaCon from which the data are produced, we have therefore generated a sort of quality ranking of the staCons managed by INGV. The result of this study will serve not only to carry out intervenCons aimed at improving the qualitaCvely less performing staCons and to decide on a maintenance policy based on the importance of the specific staCon, but also to allow us to propose a new project for the true modernizaCon of the NaConal Network. ModernizaCon that will pass not only through a simple densificaCon, but also through an implementaCon of instrumentaCon, acquisiCon technology and installaCon methods. Corresponding author: