GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale
Session 2.2 GNGTS 2024 Regional scale geological/geotechnical parametrizaHon for seismic amplificaHon abacuses – a global approach in the Piedmont Region. C. Comina 1 , G.M. Adinolfi 1 , A. Bertea 2 , C. Bertok 1 , V. Giraud 2 , P. Pieruccini 1 1 Università degli studi di Torino, Department of Earth Sciences; Torino, Italy. 2 Seismic Sector, Piedmont Region; Pinerolo, Italy. IntroducHon AmplificaCon abacuses are widely diffused simplified tools for the quanCficaCon of local straCgraphic amplificaCons of the seismic ground moCon over large areas, i.e. Regions. To be effecCve, the abacuses should be representaCve of a geological/geotechnical model including all possible seismo-straCgraphical semngs of the study area (Pieruccini et al., 2022). Thus, abacuses must be the result of a compromise between generalizaCon and specializaCon (Peruzzi et al., 2016) and several approaches have been adopted in the past for their formulaCon (e.g. Pagani et al., 2006). Most of these approaches include as fundamental steps: 1) geological/geotechnical modelling, 2) parameterizaCon, 3) numerical simulaCons, 4) staCsCcal analysis and the final compilaCon of representaCve abacuses. The first two phases are undoubtedly the most important and troublesome. An extensive characterizaCon of the study area is required, preferably based on geological, geotechnical and geophysical databases from Regional Authority’s repositories. The staCsCcal significance of the collected data should be resumed in a proper parameterizaCon of the geological/geotechnical model of the area of study, in terms of potenCal seismo-straCgraphical semngs. We present in this study the preliminary work done for the assessment of the Piedmont Region (Northern Italy) amplificaCon abacuses focussing on the shear wave velocity (Vs) distribuCon of the Geological Domains (GD) within the Region that will be adopted as a driving tool for the following numerical simulaCons and staCsCcal analysis. Methodology The first step was the assessment of the Engineering Geological Model for the Piedmont Region by the idenCficaCon and mapping of the different Geological Domains (GD), each one characterised by an homogeneous Geological and Geomorphological semng, including a number of litho-straCgraphical logs. The original regional database was 1:250.000 scale Geological Map that allowed the idenCficaCon of 13 different GDs (Figure 1).
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