GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale
Session 2.2 GNGTS 2024 Each GD is characterized by different bedrock typologies and potenCally different litho- straCgraphic semngs, including Cover Terrains. The GDs are related to: a) the Alpine mountain chain with different bedrocks (GD 1 to 4) including the main Alpine valleys (GD 5); b) the foreland hilly landscape both with different bedrock and cover terrains typologies and thicknesses (GD 6 and 7); c) the Po river plain, fed by alpine rivers, with thick mostly coarse- grained Quaternary deposits overlying at depth different bedrocks (GD 8); d) minor alluvial plains fed by rivers coming from the Apennines and the foreland hills with thick mostly fine- grained Quaternary deposits overlying at depth different bedrocks (GD 9 and 10); e) the morain amphitheatres and the associated fluvio-glacial and lacustrine deposits (GD 11 and 12); f) the complex successions belonging to the Ligurian Units (GD 13). Figure 1 – Map of the Geological Domains within the Piedmont Region, black dots represent the available geophysical informaCon in terms of shear wave velocity profiles from Regional repository database, on purpose implemented informaCon and specific field tests executed. Once the GDs were idenCfied the available geotechnical and geophysical databases from Regional authority’s repositories were used for the geological/geotechnical characterizaCon and for parameterizaCon within each GD. One of the main parameters to be considered in the study of straCgraphic amplificaCons is the seismic bedrock depth and the shear wave velocity (Vs) of the different units overlaying the seismic bedrock. With this respect the analysis of the Regional geophysical database allowed the assessment of about 1200 Vs profiles. In order to fill the gap in the geographic data distribuCon we added more Vs profiles thanks to the collaboraCon with Techgea S.r.l., a leading geophysical society at Regional scale (about 300 Vs profiles) and by performing specific field tests or implemenCng specific informaCon from literature data (about 50 Vs profiles).
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