GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale

Session 2.2 GNGTS 2024 Conclusions and future work The preliminary work done for the construcCon of the Piedmont Region amplificaCon abacuses is presented and discussed in this study with parCcular abenCon in the definiCon of the shear wave velocity distribuCon of the different idenCfied Geological Domains (GD). For this purpose, an extensive database of about 1000 Vs profiles was assessed for the randomizaCon approaches to abacuses construcCon. Moreover, the median properCes of the distribuCon of the Vs profiles within the GDs might provide useful data for similar materials in analogous geological contexts. Further work will include the analysis of available borehole logs in the Region and the definiCon of decaying curves to be adopted in the execuCon of specific numerical simulaCons. Acknowledgements Authors are indebted with the Seismic Sector of Piedmont Region for their support and data availability, with Techgea S.r.l. for the sharing of addiConal shear wave velocity profiles, fundamental to complement the data. References Acunzo G., G. Falcone, A. di Lernia, F. Mori, A. Mendicelli, G. Naso, D. Albarello, M. Moscatelli, 2023, NC92Soil: A computer code for determinisCc and stochasCc 1D equivalent linear seismic site response analyses, Computers and Geotechnics 165 (2024) 105857. Comina C., FoC S., Passeri F., Socco L.V., 2022, Time-weighted average shear wave velocity profiles from surface wave tests through a wavelength-depth transformaCon, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2022, 158, 107262. Pagani M., Marcellini A., Crespellani T., Martelli L., Tento A., Daminelli R., (2006) Seismic microzonaCon regulaCons of the Emilia-Romagna Region (Italy). Third internaConal symposium on the effects of surface geology on seismic moCon, Grenoble, France, 30 August–1 September 2006. Passeri F., FoC S., Rodriguez-Marek A., 2020, A new geostaCsCcal model for shear wave velocity profiles, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2020, 136, 106247. Peruzzi G., D. Albarello, M. Baglione, V. D’InCnosante, P. Fabbroni, D. Pileggi, 2016, Assessing 1D litho-straCgraphical amplificaCon factor for microzoning studies in Italy, Bull. Earthquake Eng. 14:373–389. Pieruccini P., Paolucci E., Fantozzi P.L, Naldini D., Albarello D., 2022. EffecCveness of Geological-Geomorphological modelling for Seismic MicrozonaCon studies. Nat Hazards 112, 451–474. Toro G.R., 2002, Uncertainty in Shear - Wave Velocity Profiles, J Seismol (2022) 26:713–730. Corresponding Author: