GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale
Session 2.2 GNGTS 2024 developed scripts successfully reproduced the same straCgraphic columns manually obtained by Cesarano et al. (2022), confirming their efficiency (Fig. 2). The enCre process required about ten minutes. Currently, a fourth script for automated thickness calculaCon is under development with the main goal of defining realisCc thickness values that take into account the effects of the erosional processes. This script, using the same cartographic base employed in the previous scripts along with a digital elevaCon model, analyzes the boundaries between different EGUs and reconstructs their subsoil geometry to assess the thickness of each outcropping unit. These tools, combined with geophysical and geotechnical data, such as the variability of shear wave velocity in relaCon to EGUs (Romagnoli et al., 2022) and shear modulus reducCon and damping raCo curves (Gaudiosi et al., 2022), represent a significant advancement in the analysis of seismic hazards on a large scale. Their ability to provide detailed and realisCc straCgraphies for local seismic response analysis greatly contributes to improving the calculaCon of seismic amplificaCon factors (AF). This refines the current procedure based on the idenCficaCon at a naConal scale of homogeneous morphological-geological and lithological areas (Falcone et al. 2021).
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