GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale
Session 1.1 GNGTS 2024 Our investgaton concentrated on six major earthquakes/sequences occurred afer 1000 AD (1003, 1114/1115, 1269, 1344, 1513/1514 and 1544). The earthquakes of 1822, 1872 and 1893 are beter known and do not require priority investgaton. The geopolitcal history of this region is very complex, with many changes of rulers along the centuries, but its long-term seismic history is rather well known. Many earthquakes are on record both before and since the date - some 2100 years ago - when the region became a Roman province. Many of its main towns (Aleppo and Antakya for instance) have a long-term history that includes eyewitness observatons of many strong earthquakes. Historical earthquake records for this area were collected and studied several tmes. The latest studies are Soysal et al. (1981), Ambraseys and Finkel (1995), Guidoboni & Comastri (2005), Sbeinat et al. (2005), Tan et al. (2008). N.N. Ambraseys wrote many papers on this subject and compendiated his work in Ambraseys (2009). However, tme, epicentral locaton and size of many earthquakes are debatable and earthquake catalogues propose contrastng values for the same events. Figure 2. Epicentres and M from Sbeinat et al. (2005), CFTI5Med (2019), Tan et al. (2008). Io from Soysal et al. (1981). Our work consisted of: a) retrieving and analyzing the main historical sources for each earthquake; b) identfying the localites mentoned in the sources and assessing macroseismic intensites from the original informaton; c) determining earthquake parameters (Io, Mw and - whenever possible - source azimuth) with the “Boxer” method (Gasperini et al., 1999), afer properly calibratng the relevant coefcient by using recent earthquakes of the Anatolian region.
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