GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale

Session 1.1 GNGTS 2024 Fig. 3 presents the seismological results of this work: Mw (with uncertainty equal to 0.3) and the “boxes” obtained with the Gasperini et al. (1999) procedure and representng the surface projecton of the possible earthquake sources: the epicentre is in the middle of the “box”. Figure 3. Seismogenic boxes or epicentral areas determined in our study. The epicentral locaton and Mw calculated for the main earthquake of 1114 are close to those of the frst event of 6 February, 2023. The “box” seems to match the Pazarcik segment of the EAFZ (we refer hereafer to the fault defnitons used by Duman and Emre, 2013 and by Duman et al., 2018). The 1269 earthquake was less energetc than the 1114 one, and its parameters are less well constrained. Its “box” suggests the Amanos segment as the likeliest source, with the Toprakkale segment as an alternatve candidate. The 1344 earthquake is rather well known and was indeed a very large one. On account of its locaton it was not considered in the debate on the 2023 earthquake source. However, the identfcaton of its source would be helpful for the understanding of seismicity in this region. As for the 1513/1514 earthquake, the frst interpretaton by Ambraseys (1988) was -and stll is – considered as the absolute truth by literature, leading to a strong connecton with the Pazarcık segment. Unfortunately, this interpretaton is founded on poor informaton, as later stated by Ambraseys (2009) and confrmed by us. Though we cannot provide reliable epicentral locaton and magnitude estmates, we believe that the Toprakkale or Karatas segments could represent a more appropriate opton for the source. Similar consideratons can be proposed for the 1544 earthquake, whose informatve background is