GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale

Session 2.2 GNGTS 2024 method allows to update the ground-shaking maps every few seconds and to obtain the final ground-shaking map for inland events within a minute of their origin Cme. Fig. 3 – ReconstrucCon of the PGA median and standard deviaCon using the hybrid method (panels a) and b), respecCvely) and using ShakeMap® (panels c) and d), respecCvely) for the Norcia earthquake. Panel e) shows the overlapping coefficient between the PGA reconstrucCons obtained with the two methods. Acknowledgement This research received financial support from the Italian Civil ProtecCon Department - Presidency of the Council of Ministers (PCM-DPC), to whom I am grateful, under the agreement “Accordo ai sensi dell’art. 15 della legge 7 agosto 1990, n. 241 e dell’art. 4 del decreto legislaCvo 2 gennaio 2018, n. 1 tra la Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri diparCmento della Protezione Civile e l’Università degli Studi di Trieste per il monitoraggio accelerometrico in Friuli Venezia Giulia e Veneto e la consulenza sull’elaborazione dei daC della rete accelerometrica nazionale" (2023-2024) between DPC and University of Trieste. References Falcone G., Acunzo G., Mendicelli A., Mori F., Naso G., Peronace E., Porchia A., Romagnoli G., Tarquini E., & Moscatelli M.; 2021: Seismic amplificaCon maps of Italy based on site- specific microzonaCon dataset and one-dimensional numerical approach. Engineering Geology, 289:106170 Falcone, G., Boldini, D., Martelli, L., & Amorosi, A.; 2020: QuanCfying local seismic amplificaCon from regional charts and site specific numerical analyses: a case study. Bulle9n of Earthquake Engineering , 18 , 77-107. Fornasari, S. F., Pazzi, V., & Costa, G.; 2022: A Machine-Learning Approach for the ReconstrucCon of Ground-Shaking Fields in Real Time. BulleCn of the Seismological Society of America, 112(5), 2642-2652. M w 6.5