GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale
Session 2.2 GNGTS 2024 MUDA: a new geophysical and geochimical MUlHparametric DAtabase for real-Hme mulHdisciplinary monitoring networks Massa M. (1) , Rizzo L.A. (2) , Ferrari E. (1) , LovaH S. (1) , Scafidi D. (3) and MUDA working group (1) Is9tuto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, sezione Milano (2) Università di Milano Bicocca, DISAT (3) Università di Genova, DISTAV MUDA (geophysical and geochemical MUlCparametric DAtabase) is a new infrastructure of the NaConal InsCtute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV, ) serving geophysical and geochemical mulCparametric data, designed as part of the INGV Pianeta Dinamico (PD) 2020-2022 project and now implemented as a part of the ongoing INGV Pianeta Dinamico 2023-2025 PD-GEMME (Integrated Geological, gEophysical and geocheMical approaches for 3D Modeling of complex seismic site Effects) project. MUDA is a dynamic and relaConal database based on MySQL ( hbps:// ) with a web interface realised in php ( hbps:// ) using a responsive design technique. The mulC-parametric data are stored and organised using a table-structure able of correlaCng different types of data that allow possible future integraCon with new type of data acquired through both real-Cme and off-line transmission vectors. MUDA collects informaCon from different types of sensors, such as seismometers, accelerometers, hydrogeochemical sensors, sensors for measuring the flux of carbon dioxide on the ground (CO 2 ), sensors for detecCng the concentraCon of Radon gas and weather staCons with the aim of making possible correlaCons between seismic phenomena and variaCons in environmental parameters such as the level of groundwater as well as its temperature and electrical conducCvity (e.g, Barberio et al. 2017; Chiodini et al., 2020; Mastrorillo et al. 2020). MUDA archives and publishes data of mulCparametric staCons belonging both to permanent (e.g. NaConal Seismic Network, RSN-INGV, hbps:// ) or temporary (e.g. PDnet, Massa et al., 2021, hbps:// ) INGV seismic networks, as well as data from a mulC-parametric Salse di Nirano Reserve (MO) site in cooperaCon with the PD PROMUD 2023-2025 (DefiniCon of a mulCdisciplinary monitoring PROtocol for MUD volcanoes) project and two addiConal mulC-parametric sites installed in the inter-mountain basin of Norcia, as a part of the GEMME 2023-2025 project. Data from Radon staCons belong to the INGV-IRON naConal network (Italian Radon Monitoring Network, hbps:// networks/ingv-and-its-networks/iron).
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