GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale
Session 2.2 GNGTS 2024 In-plane strengthening of Hmber floors to improve the seismic response of masonry structures: a 18 th century case-study A. Mazelli 1,2 , C. Bedon 2 , A. Morassi 1 1 University of Udine, Polytechnic Department of Engineering and Architecture, Udine, Italy 2 University of Trieste, Department of Engineering and Architecture, Trieste, Italy IntroducHon ExisCng masonry buildings are open complex structures, and their seismic performance evaluaCon represents a challenge. The high variability of mechanical characterisCcs of unreinforced masonry and the presence of flexible floors that are poorly anchored to the walls make idenCfying their dynamic behaviour tough. A soluCon to improve the seismic behaviour of exisCng / historic masonry structures is the floor reinforcement, by sCffening and connecCng them efficiently to verCcal structures, and facilitaCng an effecCve distribuCon of the seismic acCon with a box-like behaviour. Various soluCons have been proposed over the years, using steel, wood or fibre-reinforced materials, and their effecCveness on the building seismic behaviour has been addressed by push-over (Ortega et al. 2018, Jiménez -Pacheco et al. 2020) or nonlinear dynamic analyses (Scoba et al. 2018, Gubana and Melobo 2019). The main goal of current work is to evaluate the effecCveness of several floor sCffening soluCons, by means of push-over analysis, to improve the seismic performance of a case- study historic building. DescripHon of the case-study building The case-study building is a noble Villa in north-eastern Italy (Pordenone) built in the early 18th century (Fig. 1a,b). The building has a compact rectangular plan shape (16x15 m) and four levels. The upper floors were added aper a renovaCon (end of 18th century), and for this reason the internal walls layout of new and lower floors has no correspondence (Fig. 1c,d). Moreover, the floor at the tympanum level has smaller dimensions.
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